But, what is Mental Health First Aid - The beginners guide!
First time hearing about Mental Health First Aid training and not sure what it’s all about?
Don’t worry, we’re here to give you the run down on all things Mental Health First Aid - also known as MHFA.
Taking inspiration from physical first aid that most of us know, where you learn the basics to be able to respond to and help someone in a physical first aid situation until professional help arrives - MHFA does the same for somebody in a Mental Health First Aid situation.
So, what is Mental Health First Aid?
Mental Health First Aid is a globally recognised training program, that teaches you how to spot, understand and respond to signs of mental health challenges.
Think of physical first aid, but for the mind instead of the body.
MHFA is on a mission to reduce stigma and increase support for people experiencing a mental health problem.
Be it a friend experiencing panic attacks, a colleague showing signs of burnout, or a stranger struggling with depression, MHFA helps you provide non-judgmental support coupled with radical empathy and genuine curiosity.
But, what’s the point of Mental Health First Aid?
At it’s most basic, MHFA training aims to:
Reduce stigma: By learning, openingly communication and being curios, we a break down the barriers that prevent people from seeking help.
Increase confidence: Not sure how to check in on someone, what to say or what other support is available? Learning tools and tips will increase your confidence to step alongside those around you.
Encourage early intervention: Early support can help reduce impact and ongoing effects of mental health challenges.
What will you learn in a Mental Health First Aid Training Course.
Just like the physical first aid we mentioned earlier, MHFA will provide you with practical skills to support someone and find additional professional and other support networks.
You WON’T learn how to diagnose, treat or become a professional in the field, this training course will teach you to become a MHFAider, equipped with the skills to listen, connect, and offer support when it matters most.
During the 2-day training course, you will learn how to:
Recognize signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and substance use.
Use the MHFA Action Plan: A structured, step-by-step approach to offering support.
Provide connection to support: From professional support to other support networks and community resources
The training is designed for everyone—no prior knowledge or experience is needed.
Ready to rewrite mental health conversation?
Find out how you can get book a Mental Health First Aid training course through Inkwell Training and Facilitation.
We’ve got you covered whether you’re in the Perth Hills, Perth Metro or beyond —reach out today to find out how we can train your team in MHFA