How Many Staff in Your Business Should Be MHFA Trained?
Here’s the big question: how many of your staff should be Mental Health First Aid trained?
Spoiler alert, the short answer is: All of them!
Want the long answer? keep reading on below…
The Case for Everyone (Yes, Everyone)
Imagine this: You’re at work, and a colleague is clearly having an “off” day. They’re quieter than usual, overwhelmed, or just off.
Not hard to imagine right? It’s something we’ve likely all seen in our day to day workplaces.
So, you want to help, you want to check in with them, but...what do you say?
Enter Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training — a 2-day course for humans who care about other humans, bosses, co-workers, managers and staff at every level.
It’s not about turning your staff into therapists; it’s about equipping them with the confidence to recognize the signs of mental health challenges, provide initial support, and point their colleagues towards professional help if needed.
And here’s the kicker: the more people on your team who have this training, the stronger your workplace culture becomes.
Why Every Business Needs Mental Health First Aid Training
Mental Health Is Every Businesses, Business.
Statistically, one in five Australians will experience a mental health challenge in any given year. That means if your workplace has five staff, one of them is likely navigating something you can’t see. Now imagine if everyone on your team had the tools to notice, step in, and provide support —how great would that workplace be?It Builds a Stronger Team Culture
Showing up for your teams wellbeing isn’t just cupcakes and one day a year, it’s a workplace that prioritises supporting each other everyday of the year.A workplace where everyone knows how to have an open, supportive conversation? the ripple effects are incredible!
And let’s be honest—your business becomes the kind of workplace everyone raves about in Perth’s coffee shops.
Prevention Is Better Than Reaction
Sure, having a few Mental Health First Aid officers on the team is great, but wouldn’t it be better if everyone could spot the early signs of mental health challenges and come along side to support each other?Training your whole team means you’re creating a mentally healthy workplace that puts supporting your staff front and centre.
But...All of Them?
Yep, all of them!
Think of Mental Health First Aid training as a shared skillset—like knowing where the fire exits are or how to use the coffee machine without breaking it (we’ve all been there).
When everyone has the knowledge, no one feels like mental health is someone else’s responsibility. Plus, you never know who will be in the right place at the right time to support a coworker (or family member, or friend…)
Let’s Make It Happen!
Let’s fill those inkwells, rewrite mental health conversations, and make your business one that has the team trained to support each other and everyone around them.
We’ve got you covered whether you’re in the Perth Hills, Perth Metro or beyond —reach out today to find out how we can train your team in MHFA